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What is Migraine Surgery in Turkey?

Migraine surgery is a surgical procedure performed under anesthesia. In most cases, patients are discharged on the same day or the following day. The specifics of the surgery, including the area targeted and the technique used, vary depending on the type of migraine.

In some cases, we also offer migraine botox treatment for patients who prefer not to undergo surgery. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the migraine. Botox treatment for migraines, approved by the FDA in 2010, has shown very successful results for many of our patients. Some patients continue to receive botox injections every six months, while others use it for precise diagnosis of migraine pain, which helps in planning the appropriate surgical approach.

While migraine surgery offers a permanent solution, migraine botox requires repeated treatments over time based on the patient’s response. Botox treatment must be administered by specialist physicians trained in this area.

Migraine surgery was first discovered by Dr. Bahman Guyuron in Cleveland, USA, in 2000. During a forehead lift operation, he noticed improvements in patients diagnosed with migraines. This discovery led him to further research and develop migraine surgery. Since then, migraine surgery has been performed by many plastic surgeons in the US for about 16 years and is even covered by insurance. Contrary to common belief, migraine surgery is neither new nor experimental in the US.

Dr. Ufuk Askeroğlu worked with Prof. Dr. Bahman Guyuron between 2011 and 2012 and had the opportunity to examine approximately 2,000 migraine cases at Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals. Dr. Ufuk Askeroğlu, who has been performing migraine surgery in Turkey for about 5 years, has restored hundreds of migraine patients to health. Since migraine surgery is not yet taught within the scope of plastic surgery education in Turkey, experience and training in plastic surgery are crucial for the success of the procedure. Dr. Askeroğlu evaluated many migraine cases in light of all developments and possible complications during his time in the USA and has continuously refined his expertise.The success rate of migraine surgery has been reported as 90% in scientific studies worldwide. Considering that chronic migraine patients often do not respond fully to any medication and spend at least 3-4 days a month in the hospital, migraine surgery, with minimal risks other than general anesthesia, can be life-changing for these patients.

From Which Areas is Migraine Surgery Performed? Migraine Surgery in Turkey

Migraine surgery can be performed on various areas, depending on the migraine trigger points:

  • Sack Region – Zygomatictemporal Nerve: The trigger point is located in the pit where the muscles end. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 95%.
  • Nuchal Region – Great Occipital Nerve: Located at the midline of the scalp just above the neck. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 95%.
  • Behind-the-Ear Area – Lesser Nerve: Found in varying points in the scalp just behind the ear. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 99%.
  • Intra-Ear Area – Auriculotemporal Nerve: Located in varying points directly above the ear. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 95%.
  • Forehead Area – Supraorbital Nerve: Severe pain in the middle of the muscle, over the muscle, and in the forehead is targeted. Edema may appear in the eyes after surgery, so 1 week of rest is recommended. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 85%.
  • Nose Area / Behind the Eyes Migraine: Migraine with symptoms like a runny nose and severe pain behind the eyes may indicate a nasal problem. Paranasal sinus tomography is requested, and surgery is planned accordingly. Edema may appear in the eyes after surgery, so 1 week of rest is recommended. Patient satisfaction and complete recovery rate is 85%.

Migraine Surgery in Turkey – Our patients come from all over Turkey, including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Bursa, as well as from Europe, where there are no plastic surgeons performing migraine surgery. Turkey has become a destination for hundreds of migraine surgery patients. The most appealing aspect of migraine surgery is that patients can stay in Istanbul for just 2 days and even travel by plane immediately after the procedure.

One common question about migraine surgery is the cost. The price of the surgery varies based on the patient’s specific trigger points and the duration of the procedure, which can range from 1 to 4 hours. Therefore, the best approach is to schedule a consultation to determine the cost and develop a personalized treatment plan. You can contact our clinic at 05300744704 to make an appointment. Migraine Surgery in Turkey.

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