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Deep Plane Facelift Turkey
Deep Plane Facelift Turkey

What is Deep Plane Face Lift?

Deep Plane Facelift Turkey – A facelift is the most effective and long-lasting way to remove wrinkles. Facial wrinkles increase with age. This is due to the gradual breakdown of collagen and elastic fibers that give the face elasticity and firmness. A facelift has the potential to make the skin look 10 years younger. The skin’s ability to retain moisture and reduce oil content also increases with age. For this reason, the sagging skin regains its former state over time thanks to this procedure.


Deep Plane Facelift in Turkey:

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

• Sagging of the skin of the face

• Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth

• Fat that has fallen or vanished

• Jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw

• Loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck”

Thinning skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress, can all contribute to the loss of young features in the face.

A brow lift and eyelid surgery to revitalize aged eyes are two other operations that may be performed in conjunction with a facelift. To replace the lost fatty volume, fat transfer or fillers may be recommended. IPL, dermabrasion, peels, and laser treatments may be used to improve the quality and texture of the skin. Deep Plane Facelift Turkey

What should I expect during a facelift consultation?

Prepare to cover the following topics at your facelift consultation:

  • Your surgical goals
  • Medical issues, drug allergies, and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, cigarettes, and drug usage
  • Evaluate your general health and any pre-existing health concerns or risk factors with your surgeon.
  • Talk about your alternatives for a facelift.
  • Examine and measure your face
  • Take photographs
  • Recommend a treatment plan
  • Discuss the expected outcomes of a facelift as well as any risks or difficulties that may arise
  • Discuss the type of anesthetic that will be used


Benefits of facelift:


The thinning of dermal tissue and the loss of facial fat can both contribute to the steady deterioration of your skin’s quality. Age, gravity, sun damage, smoking, inheritance, and stress could all be factors in these changes. By removing superfluous skin, tightening underlying tissue and muscle, and redraping the remaining skin for a smoother and tighter appearance to the face and neck, modern facelift treatments strive to restore many indicators of aging sustained over the years. If you’re concerned about any of the following common indications of aging, a facelift can address them all in one procedure:

  • Skin that is sagging around the midface, jawline, or neck
  • Nasolabial folds (deep wrinkles that run from your nose to the corners of your mouth)
  • Lines that run from the corners of your mouth to your chin (marionette lines)
  • Double chin or jowls
  • Displaced facial fat or volume


Deep Plane Facelift Turkey Can Be Done in conjunction with other surgeries:

You can have a range of additional rejuvenation procedures performed in conjunction with your facelift to improve your results even further. Many patients, for example, will have brow lifts or eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to restore youthful curves to the forehead skin, brows, or heavy upper-lids, which a facelift will not address. When you combine any of these rejuvenating procedures with your facelift, you won’t have to go through a separate procedure and recovery period, and you’ll get consistent, younger-looking results throughout your entire face.

There are several techniques and methods of performing facelift surgery. Furthermore, each of the techniques have nuances that are performed differently by various surgeons. The basic forms of facelift surgery performed today are as follows:

–Skin only facelifts – The skin is lifted up and tightened. These facelifts should not be performed today because they do not last unless the skin is over-tightened. This can result in a pulled and unnatural look.

–SMAS facelifts- This is one of the most commonly performed facelift surgeries. Popularized in the 1970’s and 1980’s, SMAS facelift surgery involves lifting and tightening the SMAS layer (muscle layer). This is often performed close to the ear, further away from the jowl. This is the most common form of facelift surgery with many described variations. Deep Plane Facelift Turkey

–Extended SMAS facelifts- In this facelift the SMAS is dissected further into the jowel and neck, releasing some of the facial retaining ligaments of the face. Releasing the ligament and repositioning it into its more youthful state can result in a more effective lift.

–Deep Plane Facelift- The deep plane facelift is one of the most advanced facelift techniques available today. It is a step beyond the extended SMAS facelift because the cheek ligament (zygomatic) is also released. Releasing the cheek ligament allows the malar fat pad (cheek fat) to be restored and lifted into its more youthful position. The cheek, jowel, and neck ligaments are all released and restored. This rejuvenates the face into a more heart-shaped appearance. This leads to the most effective and natural facelift results.


Deep Plane Facelift Turkey Recontours Your Neck & Jawline

As we age, gravity, as well as the loss of facial fat and skin elasticity, tends to pull our skin down, resulting in sagging skin on the face. Loose skin tends to hang off the jaw and neck, resulting in jowls or a double chin. By removing extra skin and fatty deposits in these areas, a facelift can redefine the contours of a strong jawline.


Deep Plane Face Lift Has Benefits Both For Men & Women

Facelifts aren’t solely popular among women, contrary to popular opinion. Facelifts were among the top five cosmetic treatments for males, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), with male patients accounting for over 10% of all facelift procedures performed. Men who are in good health and have sagging facial skin or wrinkles can benefit from a facelift in the same way that women can— after all, time affects us all in the same manner. Deep Plane Facelift Turkey

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